Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Day 7 & 8

After recovering from our previous evening we went to Paradise Cove to see a Luau. I had gone previously and remembered it to be very nice and cultural. It was ok but obviously over the years they had commercialized it a lot and it wasn’t the same at all. At least our ticket included free drinks which we made to most of and topped up from the night before.
After a well earned sleep we spent the day at Waikeli factory outlets. Oops, more credit card damage. After returning from the factory outlets we decided to go to the Ala Maona shopping centre and continue with our shopping. We did purchase another suitcase each to bring our stuff back home. While getting ready for dinner we both mentioned that we had nothing to wear again…even after all the shopping, lol. As we had a hard day shopping we went back to the Italian restaurant for our favourite pasta.

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