Monday, July 12, 2010

Cliffs of Mohr

After leaving lovely Tralee - still raining we headed for the cliffs of mohr. It was a lovely day for drive, not. The rain, winding roads with 100km limits that are wide enough for 1.5 cars and the 40 foot buses full of German tourists make it interesting to say the least.

At Tabert we hit a snag. A car Ferry, Zana was beside herself. Even though there was not a wave in sight. She stood watching the ferry come in waiting for a sign that there would be a disaster, however it was fine, I was very proud of her bravery. I only thank god there were no dogs on board!!

We then head to the cliffs, as we drive the rain gets heavier...heavier..heavier. Oh well we think, were are here now, and have parked in the car park where the thieving bastards charge 8 euro to park. So we put on our rain jackets (meant for light rain) grab our 5 euro umbrella's and head for the cliffs. Its a bit of a walk, and I knew we were in trouble about 2 minutes in. By three minutes in we were completely and utterly drenched. From head to toe. As we frantically try to shield our cameras from water log we climb and climb, blinded by the wind and the rain at this point the camera strap on my $1000 camera snaps and my Nikon plummets to the watery ground with a big thud. oops.. We finally get to the the top and voila! Nothing. A faint outline of some cliffs - or so I assume. 
By this point we were so wet we decided to go to the next lookout point. The torrential rain then became worse. I could not see a foot in front of me. My own feet however were squelching with water... The top was a DISASTER. Zana's umbrella broke into a million pieces and nearly took someones eye out (it was promptly abandoned)...
So we slowly make out way back to the car weighed down by our soaking clothes. What a sight! To make matters worse we had to completely change clothes in the car with a bunch of Germans watching. Even our undies. How embarrassment. Zana had to drive in her pj's and thongs. A good look.
Moments after leaving the weather broke and started to clear. We now know where the saying "Murphy's law" comes from - invented for Ireland!

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