Monday, July 12, 2010


Too be sure, too be sure..we were sure drunk.

The night in kilarney started out innocently enough, we checked into the killarney grand hotel expecting grand things only to be transported back to the early 80's in our red and yellow themed hotel suite. Nice.

So we headed out to watch the world cup and have a bite to eat. I unfortunatley had to drink a glass of wine that tasted like it was made from the juice of a dead cat. I did drink it though, it would have been inpolite not too..We then headed into a pub for a refreshing after dinner ale. They only had chardonay. Again we are back in the 80's...
Things then took a turn I wasnt expecting. I see a bloke approach out of the corner of my eye, he stumbles over and tells me that I may be the woman of his dreams. How wonderful, you all exclaim. No. He was fat, drunk and only had about 3 teeth. But he was persistent. Zana and I made a hasty retreat claiming we had to get to bed for an early morning departure. Even after he asked us to go to the disco.

So we head back to the hotel and on the way was we see another pub, we just stop for one more, no? No. It turns out we stop for about 20 more. Imagine my surprise some hours later when toothy (as we named him) arrives and makes a bee line for us. Lucklilly we had made friends by then and were able to fend of his advances. Dont remember much else except the band was great and when I woke up not only did I feel like death, we found photos of us with the garda (cops)..ooops.

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