Monday, July 12, 2010

Galway (Drive Through)

After the experience of the ‘Cliffs of Moher’ we headed towards the much anticipated town of Galway. My favourite authors write about Galway and its surroundings and Galway was a must do on my list for Ireland.
Driving towards Galway the roads were exactly what l expected of Ireland which were roads divided by stone walls, with beautiful water views and plenty of sheep and cows in sight. Would you believe it that in all the driving we did, not once did we get stuck driving behind sheep or cows, instead we got stuck driving behind a tow truck for some kilometers.
We reach Galway and we hit peak hour traffic and 1 way streets again. We somehow managed to find the tourist information office and l double parked (as no parking can be found whatsoever in larger towns) and Rachael goes to seek out the much needed accommodation for us for that night. After waiting some time she comes back and says we have a slight problem. Curious l asked what that might be and much to my surprise l learn that there is NO accommodation in Galway that night. Apparently some smart event organisers had booked in multiple festivals in Galway for that weekend and all B&B and hotels were booked out. The only place available, hotel ‘G’ had rooms at 350euro for 1 night and so we decide to take matters in our own hands and start calling hotels ourselves. Surely there has to be something…Nope. We quickly learn after calling 7 places that there is nothing. Decisions….decisions. Wet, cold, tired, hungry and late we decide that we will drive around Eyre Square in Galway to at least say we have seen it and then head for a town called Ballinasloe were we managed to find a hotel for us.
In Ballinasloe we set out for the sauna, spa and steam room to warm up and de-stress our day and get an early night for us as we prepare for our return to Dublin the next day.


  1. Ah no, disaster... B'sloe!!!
    Thought the arts festival starts next week!
    So sorry should have warned ye about July and festivals in Galway!
    Hope you're having a brilliant time... don't know yet as I'm reading the blog in reverse :)

  2. I cant believe Ms Yuppie didnt just pay the 350 Euros... With a great name like hotel 'G' how could you go wrong..

  3. LOL, I did think about getting the 350 euro room and then charging it back.
